Using American Rescue Plan Act funding, the city will be replacing every customer-owned lead service lines in Toledo at no cost to the property owner.
Register for the Lead Replacement Program
If you have lead pipes, we need to know about them. Register for the program below, even if you're unsure of your pipes material.
You can also call Engage Toledo at 419-936-2020 to request an quick evalutation of your pipes.
How to Register
Find your property address on the map below. Be sure the location matches the service address of the property you are registering. Then click confirm location to continue through the registration process.
Optional. Include a photo of the pipe that comes through an outside wall and into your water meter. See an example.
Fill out your name and contact information.
If you know your pipe's material: select it from the dropdown and skip the remaining questions.
If you don't know: select "I do not know" and continue to answer as many of the additional questions as possible. Watch a demo of how to perform the at-home test.
Watch a Demo
At-Home Lead Test
Not sure if you have copper, lead, or galvanized steel pipes in your home? City of Toledo Water Distribution Administrator Mark Riley walks residents through a simple way to check your water line material with just a flashlight, penny, and magnet!
After You Register
What do I do next?
If you have lead pipes, the Division of Water Distribution will reach out to schedule an investigation and replacement following the program schedule.
A city contractor will perform the resident side replacement. This will follow the same process as the city side replacement, but digging will take place on your property instead of the public right-of-way. The contractor will be responsible for the excavation and restoration of your property.
When will my lead line be replaced?
Identifying Water Lines until the end of December 2023, replacements will be completed throughout 2024.
Is my water safe?
Yes. To keep our customers safe the department has been utilizing specific water chemistry to coat the pipes and services in our system, encasing any lead or harmful particles allowing for safe clean drinking water. Required annual lead testing has consistently shown our water is free of lead and safe to drink.
What if I'm not sure?
If you tested your water service line, and are still unsure of your lead service line material, a city inspector will visit your home to inspect your service line at no cost to you. To schedule an inspection, contact 419-936-2020 or email
Are there other ways I can test my pipes?
For more information on identifying a lead service line, try NPR’s interactive tool for lead pipe identification.
Lead test kits to test the pipe can be purchased at your local hardware store. Look for an EPA-recognized kit.