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What to doOur Sewer and Drainage division provides cost effective and uninterrupted operation and maintenance of 1100 miles of sanitary sewers, 986 miles of storm sewers and 64 miles of ditch drainage systems for the residents of Toledo.
2024 Annual Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report
2023 Annual Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report
2022 Annual Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report
2021 Annual Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report
2020 Annual Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report
Cleaning operations range from “jetting the lines” to remove build up and debris using a water truck or combination vacuum/water truck, to root cutting and foaming sanitary sewer lines in the City of Toledo.
Pipe Patch
The pipe patch team is responsible for our “no dig” technique to repair infrastructure.
The construction team is responsible for main sewer line repairs and lateral repairs in the right of way. Unless a repair to a main can be done using a “no dig” repair, our construction section will usually have to dig to make the repair. If a repair is too deep, it is referred to our Inspection Section to be contracted out as an emergency repair.
Ditch Maintenance
While most ditches are privately maintained, the Ditch Maintenance section has limited responsibility for some maintenance to ditches that belong to the City of Toledo. This maintenance is primarily done in for our storm water systems in order to prevent flooding and sewer overflows. Typically they clear debris grates or “trash racks” and maintain access to points for our storm water system such as those that outfall to receiving water such as a ditch.
The engineering team oversees CCTV and inspections, as well as offering technical support all Sewer and Drainage teams.
The CCTV Section uses specialized close circuit camera and tractor systems to televise the sewer system. This information is used to determine maintenance & operational needs of the lines.
The inspection section is responsible for inspecting sewer repairs, permitting residential taps and repairs, and monitoring emergency sewer repairs that are too deep for our internal construction crews to dig. Additionally, the inspection section also is responsible for licensure of private sewer tappers and cleaners. Online licensed sewer tappers may perform any work on the City of Toledo sewer system.