About the Initiative

Vision Zero is a holistic strategy that seeks to eliminate avoidable loss of life by promoting health, safety, and mobility equity.

The City of Toledo, in partnership with the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments and the Ohio Department of Transportation, will work to reduce roadway fatalities to zero by the year 2031.

High Injury Network

High Injury Network

In 2024, the City created a Vision Zero Committee with four sub-committees including Equity, Safety, Data, and Culture Change.

Related Initiatives

Improve Streets for Pedestrians

We've partnered with Lucas County to create a plan to improve city streets and trails for people walking or biking to school and work.

Read the active transportation plan

Reduce Residential Speeding

A neighborhood with less speeding is a more kid-friendly, bike-friendly, disability-friendly, and pedestrian-friendly neighborhood.

Read the safe streets plan

Report a concern

Help us identify locations in need of increased pedestrian safety infrastructure by reporting residential speeding concerns to Engage Toledo.

Report a concern

I Pledge

To Protect My Neighbors

In Toledo, an average of 32 traffic fatalities cost residents their lives each year. Getting to zero will require infrastructure improvements, education, enforcement, and data-driven policy, but most importantly it will require your support.

Sign up below for more information on how you can be involved.

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