Midblock crossings provide a vital safety and accessibility feature for pedestrians, particularly in urban areas with long blocks and high foot traffic. They reduce jaywalking by offering designated crossing points, minimizing the risk of accidents and improving overall traffic flow. By enhancing pedestrian connectivity, they create more inclusive and efficient urban environments.
These crossings are especially beneficial near schools, parks, and shopping areas, where pedestrian activity is concentrated. They promote walkability, encouraging healthier lifestyles and reducing reliance on vehicles, which helps decrease traffic congestion and emissions.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) can reduce pedestrian involved crashes by 47% and increase motorist yielding rates by up to 98%.
In 2025, the City of Toledo will install RRFBs in the following locations:
- Navarre and Valleywood – This location will also have new bumpouts, pededstrian ramps, striping, and signs
- White and Ellis – This location will also have new bumpouts, pedestrian ramps, striping, and signs
- North Cove and Promedica – This location will also have new pedestrian ramps, striping, and signs
- Kenwood and Ottawa Park – This location will connect into the existing sidewalk and have new pedestrian ramps, striping, and signs
- Summit and Cullen Park – This location will also have new signs
- Copland and Chessie Circle – This location will also have new striping and signs
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB) can reduce pedestrian involved crashes by 55%, all crashes by 29%, and fatal and serious injury crashes by 15%.
In 2025, the City of Toledo will install PHBs in the following locations:
- Alexis and Clegg
- Airport and Brookview
- Broadway and Zoo
- Glendale and Swan Creek
More Information
Vision Zero
Vision Zero is a holistic strategy that seeks to eliminate avoidable loss of life by promoting health, safety, and mobility equity.
Proven Safety Countermeasures
The U.S. Department of Transportation has 28 countermeasures and strategies effective in reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries that are designed for all road users and all kinds of roads.
Learn moreSafe Routes to School
The Safe Routes to School program provides resources, technical assistance and project funding to encourage and enable students in grades K-12 to walk or ride their bike to school.
Learn moreTraffic Calming Program
The City of Toledo uses a number of devices intended to slow traffic, especially in residential areas. Concerned residents are encouraged to work with the Division of Traffic Management to find effective traffic calming solutions.
Washington St. Speed Management Pilot Project
The City of Toledo has been selected as the site of one of eight projects for the Ohio Department of Transportation's (ODOT) Speed Management Pilot Program.
Learn moreActive Transportation Plan
“Active Transportation” is an umbrella term for all the ways people can get around without using a motorized vehicle – walking, biking, using a kick scooter or skateboard, and more.
Learn more