Permit Planner
Zoning Check
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Check my zoningUpcoming Plan Commission Meetings
View All EventsThe Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commission seeks to create a community with a high quality of life and access to economic opportunity for all of our residents. We do this primarily by providing effective guidance on land use decisions.
Contact Information
- Thomas C. Gibbons, Director
- One Government Center, Suite #1620
Toledo, Ohio 43604 - (419) 245-1200
- Fax: (419) 936-3730
For General Inquiries Email:
The NEW online Building Permit and Electronic Plan Review Portal can be found here.
For detailed instructions on how to set up your new account and navigate the new portal, please visit
A calendar of agendas and audio files for Plan Commission meetings can be found here.
A listing of all cases currently under review by our department can be found here.
A copy of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines can be found here.
Forward Toledo
A comprehensive land-use plan that will guide planning in Toledo for the next 10-20 years. It is our community's collective statement on who we want to be and how we would like to grow as a city. Your participation is essential.
Learn more