Community Partners
Employment opportunities in the creative sector for youth.
theartscommission.orgSports and recreational opportunities for youth.
believecenter.comTo provide theatre education programs to low- and moderate-income youth.
Comprehensive prenatal care for at-risk moms.
compassionhealthtoledo.orgHome repair for seniors.
etfc.orgAnalyze and reduce barriers to fair housing choice.
toledofhc.orgSummer youth recreation, garden co-op program.
gcctoledo.orgLegal services for low- and moderate-income residents.
lawolaw.orgMH partners with its non-profit affiliate Lucas Housing Services Corporation (LHSC) to repair/rehab 3 houses for purchase by residents. LMH also provides financial counseling to its residents.
Reduce rodent infestation and resolve complaints.
lucascountyhealth.comSupplemental food boxes for residents.
kitchenforthepoor.orgImprove the housing stock through home repairs.
mvhabitat.orgQuality healthcare and preventative services.
nhainc.orgHome rehab, financial and foreclosure counseling.
nwtoledo.orgEmergency home repairs for eligible residents.
pathwaytoledo.orgCommunity gardens provide fresh food to residents.
sqacc.orgConvert vacant lots into community gardens.
toledogrows.orgProvide balanced, nutritional food baskets to residents.
seagatefoodbank.orgImprove the housing stock through home repairs in the Old South End.
Homeless Service Providers
Improve continuum of care and eliminate homelessness.
endinghomelessnesstoledo.orgTransitional housing for women and their children.
auroraprojectinc.orgEmergency shelter and rapid re-housing for families.
beachhousetoledo.orgEmergency shelter and re-housing support for families.
familyhousetoledo.orgEmergency shelter, case management, and lunches.
stpaulscommunitycenter.orgDiversion, prevention, and housing crisis response.