Veo in Toledo

Headquartered in Chicago and founded in 2017, Veo is one of micromobility's fastest growing and most innovative companies. Veo partners with dozens of cities and universities nationwide with exclusive and semi-exclusive contracts in its mobility share programs and is adding additional municipalities and campuses every month. Veo’s hands-on design and manufacturing process enables Veo to integrate safety, comfort, compliance, and reliability directly into the hardware, including its unique e-swappable-battery technology, turn signals, and underdeck light messaging.

About Veo

Recent data from Veo's rider survey reveals the impact of shared e-scooters on Toledo's residents:

  • 33% of riders lack access to a personal vehicle, emphasizing Veo's vital role in providing a sustainable mobility option for residents.
  • 30% of Veo trips directly replace car trips, showcasing the service's tangible contribution to reducing thousands of car trips from Toledo streets annually.
  • 59% of riders successfully decrease car travel due to the availability of shared scooters and bikes, attesting to Veo's positive influence on personal transportation choices.

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E-Scooters in Toledo


If you would like more information about using the app, how to use the e-scooters, and how to report an abandoned e-scooter visit to

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