Location: Birmingham Branch Library, 203 Paine Ave.
Restoration Info: Collins Park Stream Restoration
Date: Tuesday, November 12
Time: 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Neighbors and other project stakeholders, please join us for an open house to view the final stream restoration and habitat improvement designs for Duck Creek and the golf course property.
The City of Toledo, in partnership with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Great Lakes Commission (GLC), and others, received funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Program to enhance the Collins Park municipal golf course with some added natural features. Feedback from the two prior community meetings provided great insight and was incorporated into plans. This site is located in the Maumee Area of Concern (AOC) and restoration activities will help move the AOC one step closer to delisting.
This meeting will be held in an open house format, allowing residents to drop in at any time! Talk with project engineers and scientists about how natural features will enhance the golf course while also improving habitat for fish and benthic species.