
More Information: Landlord-Tenant Resources

Date: Tuesday, November 19

Time: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

We are inviting Veterans for a special Tenant Tuesday event.

Tenants will receive limited free legal advice on housing concerns such as lease review and landlord-related issues. Each attendee will have approximately 20 minutes with an attorney thanks to our partners Legal Aid of Western Ohio, The Fair Housing Center, Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE), the Toledo Bar Association, and the University of Toledo College of Law Civil Advocacy Clinic.

Things to know

  • Attendees must bring a copy of their lease.
  • Each attendee will have 20 minutes with an attorney.
  • Legal advice can cover a range of housing concerns, such as lease renewal and landlord-related issues.

Registration is open until November 12.

Register to attend

If there is a topic you'd like to discuss other than the ones provided, please explain below.