We manage the City's accounting and financial reporting functions, which includes the preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and serves as the City’s independently audited financial statement. Although the City’s SAP financial system is highly decentralized, we administrate the City’s accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll functions.

Contact Information

OfficePhone Number
Accounts Payable (General)419-245-1602
Vendors A-D; P-S; W-Z419-245-1602
Vendors E-O; T-V419-245-1638
Accounts Receivable419-245-2367
Payroll Administration419-245-1618
Payroll Employment Verification419-245-1620
Accounting and Financial Reporting419-245-1238
Accounting for Capital Assets419-245-1238
Accounting for Grants Admin419-936-2652