The Vibrancy Initiative is a collection of programs designed to support revitalization efforts that create jobs, reduce blight, and preserve and improve structures in our community. A full list of Vibrancy Initiative programs and links to applications can be found below.

Exterior Rennovation Assistance

Facade Improvement Grant Program

The Facade Improvement Grant program helps property owners transform the facade of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use buildings by providing a 50% matching grant to reimburse expenses incurred during a comprehensive facade improvement.

Applications are currently closed.

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Facade Improvement Planning Grant Pilot Program

The Facade Improvement Planning Grant provides funding to conduct conceptual design services for an existing small business located in a designated NRSA. The study will equip property owners with critical information on the feasibility and cost of upgrading their building’s façade.

Applications are currently closed.

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Interior Rennovation Assistance

White Box Grant Program

The White Box Grant program helps property owners bring vacant first-floor commercial spaces up to current code to create a functional "white box" space ready for customization and occupancy by a business.

Applications are currently closed.

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White Box Planning Grant Pilot Program

The White Box Grant Planning Grant provides funding for a comprehensive feasibility study on a vacant ground-floor commercial space located in a designated NRSA. The study will equip property owners with critical information on the feasibility and cost of upgrading their commercial space to meet current state and local building codes, fire safety codes, and accessibility standards necessary for occupying the space.

Applications are currently closed.

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Tax Abatement Programs

Commercial and Industrial Tax Abatement Program

This program provides real property tax abatement for the construction or rehabilitation of commercial or industrial structures within Toledo. The City of Toledo’s CITA program works to promote economic activity and job growth that would not have otherwise occurred.

Applications are currently being accepted.

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Residential Tax Abatement Program

This program provides real property tax abatement for the construction or rehabilitation of residential structures within Toledo. The City of Toledo’s CRA program works to promote housing development and rejuvenate existing housing stock within city limits.

Applications are currently being accepted.

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