As part of our commitment to enhancing the downtown experience, the city of Toledo has introduced new regulations for all surface parking lots in the Downtown Overlay District (DOD). These regulations aim to improve aesthetics, promote safety, and align with the city's vision for a dynamic urban environment.
Who does this apply to?
All surface parking lots within the boundary of the DOD. This applies to parking lots for public and private use but does not apply to parking garages.

What are the requirements?
Bordered Fencing: Install black wrought iron or black heavy gauge aluminum fencing, at least four feet high, with brick columns that are a minimum of 4'6" high and 18'' wide or greater.

Fencing Spacing: On primary streets, ensure columns are spaced no more than 24' apart for small lots and 60' apart for larger lots (with frontage of more than 120'). On non-primary streets, column spacing may not exceed 90'.
Wheel Stops: Parking spaces abutting the required fencing must have 4" high wheel stops or a continuous 4-inch concrete barrier to protect the fence and columns.
No Interior Barriers: Guard rails, bollards, chains, wires, ropes, or similar barriers, except for specific protection purposes, are not permitted within the lot.
Lighting (Encouraged): While not required, adding lighting fixtures to brick columns is encouraged.
Landscaping (Encouraged): Though not obligatory, landscaping can contribute to the aesthetics of the lot.
When does this go into effect?
Code changes are expected to be approved by Toledo City Council in November 2023. Parking lot owners will have 1 year from the date of passage to be in compliance with these regulations
What is the penalty for non-compliance?
Public parking lots who are not in compliance will have not be able to renew their parking lot license. All parking lots will subject to violations from the Plan Commission and daily fines of up to $150.
What are my next steps?
Submit application to the DOD
Your application and site plans will be reviewed for compliance.
Obtain necessary permits
New fencing requires a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Fences taller than 6' also require a building permit. Other permits may apply if your project includes other work or impacts the right of way.
Complete construction
Implementation of the necessary improvements must be concluded by Novermber 2024.
Renew parking lot license
Public parking lot owners must be in compliance with the new regulations before their license can renewed.
Apply for Variance
We understand that each parking lot is unique, and there might be instances where adherence to these standards or timeline poses challenges. If you believe your situation warrants an exception, you can apply for a variance.