March 27
Vermicomposting 101 at Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District.
Participants will make their own vermicompost bin, complete with a starter pack of worms!
When: 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Where: 3348 Hill Ave, Suite K
March 28
Pre-order Deadline for Lucas County Soil and Water Conservation District online Tree, Shrub & Garden Sale
Pick up April 15 & 16
April 1
Pre-orders begin for Toledo Zoo's Wild Toledo Native Plant Sale.
Browse more than 500 native flowers, shrubs, grasses and trees.
April 5
OSU Extension and Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful Great Buckeye Litter Cleanup.
When: 9 - noon
Where: Willys Park
TES and National Wildlife Federation present From Chesaoeake Bay to the Great Lakes: National Wildlife Ferderation's Sacred Ground Builds Community with Native Plants
When: 9:30 a.m.
Where: Mohican State Park Lodge and Conference Center, Perrysville
April 6
MLK Time to Break the Silence Organizing Committee – Toledo Area annual reading of Dr. Martin Luther King's speech "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence." This event is a community forum with loval musicians, student art, storytellers and displys by social and environmental justice organizations including Sacred Grounds Toledo.
When: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Where: Monroe St. Umited Methodist Church, 3613 Monroe St.
April 8
Wild Ones – Oak Openings Region Chapter – Discussion with Dr. Gwen Pearson: Bring Back Pillinators-Native Bees & Their Connection with Native Plants
When: 7 p.m.
Where: Nederhouser Hall, 6930 Sylvania Ave
April 12
Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful Beach Cleanup
When: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: Crane Creek Beach
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity and Aim ECycling – ReStore the Earth Day Recycling Event
Donate appliances, furniture, home goods, cabinets, lighting and building products to the ReStore, and recycle electronics (computers, printers, servers, personal electronics - no TVs), Styrofoam (#6 only), cardboard, paper shredding, tires (up to 4) at no cost. Schedule free on-site above ground pool recycling. Recycle latex paint for $2 per gal.
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Calvary Church, 1360 Conant St.
Partners for Clean Streams–Great American Cleanup
When: 9-11 a.m.
Where: Three Meadows Park, Perrysburg
Sign up
April 13
Partners for Clean Streams – Great American Cleanup
April 15
Owens Community College Spring Community Action and Resource Fair – Partners for Clean Streams
When: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Where: 310 2nd Street, Perrysburg
City of Maumee Environmental & Tree Advisory Commission and Rain Garden Initiative of Toledo-Lucas County
What: Rain Gardens Presentation with Sara Guiher, Harmful Algal Bloom and Water Quality Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant Extension, and RGI Chair. Learn how rain gardens function, benefit you and local wildlife, and protect our water resources.
When: 6:00
Where: Maumee Branch Library
April 16
BGSU Office of Campus Sustainability Eco Fair
Toledo Environmental Services and Toledo-Lucas County Rain Garden Initiative will be there.
When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: BGSU Union Oval outside Bowen-Thompson Student Union (Rain Location- Olscamp Hall)
April 17
Earth Fest at University of Toledo
When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Centennial Mall (Rain Location: Pavilion of the Student Union)
April 19
Partners for Clean Streams – Clean Water Action in Toledo Kickoff & Training
What: Learn how to conduct Water Quality Monitoring as a volunteer in your area and meet Amy Wamsley of Amy Swimventure as she brings attention to water conservation efforts and highlights the importance of preserving Ohio’s rivers.
When: 1-3 p.m.
April 22 Earth Day 2025: Our Power, Our Planet
Woodlawn’s Discovery of Tree Series Begins
April 25
The City of Toledo Division of Forestry and Toledo Urban Forestry Commission celebrates Arbor Day as part of Toledo's Tree City USA designation.
April 26
Party for the Planet
When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Toledo Zoo
April 27
MultiFaith Council of Northwest Ohio Earth Day Event
What: A Community Event featuring a brief interfaith prayer service, keynote speaker, displays on environmental beliefs, practices and creation care by Sacred Grounds Toledo and MFC faith communities, children’s activities and a service project preparing for a new Sacred Grounds Garden.
When: 2-6 p.m.
Where: HolyTrinity Lutheran Church, 825 Glendale Ave