Location: Zoom

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Date: Tuesday, February 18

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The City of Toledo Transportation Department is hosting two informational meetings for residents to learn about upcoming road construction.

We are excited to complete resurfacing or reconstruction work on more than 100 residential streets in 2025, covering 42.64 lane miles. We will be performing maintenance on another 30.03 lane miles with our patch and seal work.

These webinars are designed to help residents understand what to expect on your block through the 2025 construction season.

February 18 - See the list below for Resurfacing, Reclamation, and Patch and Seal Projects

See the February 20 Event for Reconstruction, Waterline, and Safety Improvements

Patch and Seal

    102nd Street 290th Street Summit Street
    116th Street Ottawa River Road Summit Street
    124th Street Ottawa River Road Summit Street
    283rd Street Lehman Avenue 104th Street
    304th Street 119th Street 124th Street
    Airline Avenue Kenmore Avenue Danberry Street
    Albion Street Delaware Avenue Joel Avenue
    Angel Avenue Whitehouse Drive Mayport Drive
    Apple Avenue Airport Highway Kemper Avenue
    April Drive North May Avenue South May Avenue
    Ayers Avenue South Cove Boulevard Delaware Avenue
    Bakewell Street Paine Avenue Craig Street
    Blum Street Hoag Street Forest Avenue
    Booth Avenue Doyle Street Brigham Street
    Bronson Avenue Lagrange Avenue Franklin Avenue
    Brookfield Drive Imperial Drive Satinwood Drive
    Brophy Drive Shoreland Avenue Angel Avenue
    Byrneway Drive Golfgate Drive Greengate Drive
    Caledonia Street Consaul Street Paine Avenue
    Carlingfort Drive 5274 Carlingfort Drive 5359 Carlingfort Drive
    Clover Lane Barstow Avenue Talmadge Green Road
    Columbia Street Ashland Avenue Franklin Avenue
    Cone Street Isherwood Street Auburn Avenue
    Cropthorn Drive Carlingfort Drive Fredelia Drive
    Cullen Lane Detwiler Drive 101st Street
    D Street St. John Avenue Paxton Street
    Daleford Drive Orono Drive Detroit Avenue
    Detwiler Drive Seagull Lane Cullen Lane
    Elliott Avenue Bancroft Street Woodruff Avenue
    Essex Street Mott Avenue Fornt Street
    Everett Street Lagrange Street Warsaw Street
    Frampton Drive Orono Drive 3009 Frampton Drive
    Franklin Avenue Central Avenue Bronson Avenue
    Fredelia Drive Snowden Drive 5271 Fredelia Drive
    Fredelia Drive Sulgrave Avenue South City Limits
    Golfgate Drive Byrneway Drive 3536 Golfgate Drive
    Goodale Avenue Ayers Avenue Auburn Avenue
    Hamilton Street Collingwood Boulevard Weiler Avenue
    Hughes Drive Midwood Avenue Northwood Ave
    Ilger Avenue Aldringham Road West End
    Inwood Drive Monroe Street Wellesley Drive
    Jermain Drive Upton Avenue Inwood Drive
    Jodore Avenue Lape Kala Way North End
    Jodore Avenue Lape Kala Way South City Limits
    Junction Avenue Dorr Street Nebraska Avenue
    June Drive North May Avenue South May Avenue
    Kenmore Avenue Airport Highway Airline Avenue
    Kress Street Delaware Avenue North End
    March Drive North May Avenue South May Avenue
    Markway Road Densmore Drive Pemberton Drive
    Marvin Avenue Aldringham Road West End
    May Avenue Radford Drive Escott Avenue
    Mayberry Street Airport Highway Airline Avenue
    Medford Drive Orono Drive Detroit Avenue
    Midwood Avenue Christie Street Kenwood Boulevard
    Orono Drive Colby Drive Frampton Drive
    Ottawa Drive Upton Avenue Auburn Avenue
    Ottawa Parkway East Circle Lane Upton Avenue
    Palmwood Avenue Ewing Street Lawrence Avenue
    Parker Avenue South Ravine Parkway Drive Starr Avenue
    Paxton Street Buckeye Street Stickney Avenue
    Pemberton Drive Markway Road Central Avenue
    Penrose Avenue Devonshire Road Detroit Avenue
    Powhattan Parkway 2936 Powhattan Parkway Christie Street
    Powhattan Parkway Kenwood Boulevard 2616 Powhattan Parkway
    Pulaski Street Nebraska Avenue Tecumseh Street
    Queenswood Boulevard West Lincolnshire Boulevard Orchard Trail Drive
    Seagull Lane 101st Street Detwiler Drive
    Snowden Drive McGregor Lane 5326 Snowden Drive
    Stengel Avenue Byrne Road West End
    Strauss Avenue Central Avenue Lape Kala Way
    Sylvan Ridge Court Sylvan Ridge Drive East End
    Sylvan Ridge Drive Alexis Road North End
    Tecumseh Street North Hawley Street Ewing Street
    Timberlawn Road Tall Oaks Drive 2434 South Country Club Parkway
    Valentine Street Paine Avenue Craig Street
    West Country Club Parkway Heatherdowns Boulveard 2304 West Country Club Parkway
    White Street Nevada Street Navarre Ave


    109th Street Summit Street 293rd Street
    117th Street Summit Street East End
    307th Street 118th Street 117th Street
    315th Street Edgewater Drive 140th Street
    316th Street 139th Street 141st Street
    Ainsworth Lane Plum Leaf Lane Winterset Drive
    Airline Avenue Danberry Street South Fearing Boulevard
    Aldringham Road Kenwood Boulevard Darlington Road
    Austin Street Lagrange Street Mulberry Street
    Birchall Road Schuyler Road Royalton Road
    Booth Avenue Stickney Avenue Doyle Street
    Brame Place Jackman Road Upton Avenue
    Brookford Drive South Detroit Avenue Beechway Boulevard
    Brussels Street Westland Avenue Jackman Road
    Burr Street Esther Street Consaul Street
    Celesta Drive Suzanne Drive 130' East of Morningside Drive
    Charlestown Avenue Douglas Road Kershaw Avenue
    Chase Street Cincinnati Street Troy Street
    Cheltenham Road Central Avenue Darlington Road
    Claredale Road Brott Road 330' East of Bowen Road
    Colburn Street Broadway Street Pleasant Place
    Cone Street Torrey Hill Drive Upton Avenue
    Danberry Street Airport Highway Dana Street
    Dover Place Starr Avenue Navarre Avenue
    Dunham Street Danberry Street West End
    Elaine Drive Photos Drive Reen Drive
    Fernwood Avenue Forest Avenue Lawrence Avenue
    Fremont Street Wheeling Street East End
    Glen Arbor Drive Greenglen Road Green Valley Drive
    Glenwood Avenue Islington Street Collins Street
    Goddard Road Bancroft Street Pelham Road
    Grand Avenue Forest Avenue North Detroit Avenue
    Hanover Street Airline Avenue Dunham Street
    Havenhurst Avenue Wilshire Avenue South Byrne Road
    Indian Knoll Drive Whitegate Drive Turret Green Drive
    Jermain Drive Wellesley Drive Upton Avenue
    Licking Street Front Street Colorado Street
    Maryann Place Lynbridge Lane 450' South of Chatsworth Road
    Maryland Avenue Front Street North Ravine Parkway
    Merry Lane Arklow Drive East End
    Midwood Avenue Christie Street Monroe Street
    Moore Street Lagrange Street Stickney Avenue
    Myrtle Street Girard Street White Street
    Nancy Drive Victory Avenue Whitegate Drive
    North Cove Boulevard Auburn Avenue West End
    Ormond Drive Aria Drive East End
    Overland Parkway West Sylvania Avenue Royalton Road
    Parrakeet Avenue Schuyler Road West Sylvania Avenue
    Ruthanne Drive Chalmette Drive Engel Boulevard
    Shereton Place Valleybrook Drive East End
    Stanwix Drive Glendale Avenue Brest Drive
    Stebbins Street South Avenue Orchard Street
    Strathmoor Avenue Birchwood Avenue Cragmoor Avenue
    Talbot Street Westland Avenue Upton Avenue
    Vail Avenue Albar Drive Penelope Drive
    Victory Avenue Nancy Drive West End
    Virginia Street Parkwood Avenue Collingwood Boulevard
    Wellesley Drive Jermain Drive Upton Avenue
    West Capistrano Avenue West End 460' West of Burnham Avenue
    West Northgate Parkway Bennett Road Spicer Road
    Westbrook Drive Bales Road Douglas Road
    Whitegate Drive Nancy Drive North Byrne Road


    Barstow Avenue Kathy Lane Monac Drive
    Chalmette Drive Shoreland Avenue Tulane Avenue
    Cummings Avenue Toledo Avenue Wylie Avenue
    Engel Boulevard Chalmette Drive 150' Southeast of Chalmette Drive
    Foxfire Court Wenz Road East end
    Kathy Lane Barstow Avenue Ariel Avenue
    Parkcliff Lane Wenz Road East End
    Talmadge Court Kathy Lane East End
    Toledo Avenue South Detroit Avenue Arlington Avenue
    Wenz Road Angola Road Parkcliff Lane
    Wylie Avenue Arlington Avenue North Kennison Drive