Pothole Work, Leaf Collection, and Snow Removal
City of Toledo employees will be on a pothole patrol and leaf collection today. The same Streets, Bridges, and Harbor employees are working to fill potholes and collect leaves before switching back to snow removal later this week.
Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz understands residents may be frustrated that leaves still need to be picked up. A confluence of issues led to leaves being stranded under snow and ice at the end of last year. City crews will make a herculean effort to collect as many leaves as possible and fill as many potholes as possible before snow falls again in Toledo, likely Friday. Leaves that are collected are turned into mulch for beneficial reuse.
City crews today will make sure all plow trucks are ready for the next snow fall. The city pothole crew has been assigned to fill deep potholes. A leaf collection crew will continue collecting leaves today in zip code 43614. This crew will work until 5:30 p.m. and then switch back to getting the city trucks prepared for snow removal later this week. (The same city equipment is used for both leaf collection and snow removal.)
Regarding snow removal later this week: if the snow accumulation is 3 inches or less city crews will work on plowing and salting phase 1, 2, and 3 routes first. “When completed, we will move into residential routes and plow,” said Abby Arnold, deputy chief of staff. “At this time, salt will only be used at intersections and hazardous areas. If the snow is more than 3 inches, that is when we will call in sister divisions and private plow contractors to help plow residential streets while Streets, Bridges, and Harbor crews work on phase routes.”
Toledo’s 2017 leaf collection program began on Oct. 30, 2017. Updates on the collection process have been posted for all to track on the city’s website at www.toledo.oh.gov with one click on the Streets, Bridges, and Harbor icon on the landing page.Residents are encouraged check storm water drains along your street and keep them free from debris so that rain water may easily flow into the collection system. On curbed streets, leaves raked into the streets should maintain a one-foot pathway next to the curb to allow for water to reach the storm drains.
If the storm sewer is blocked and you cannot clear the drain yourself, contact a neighbor to help, or report the clogged drain to Engage Toledo at 419-936-2020 or through the website or App available online at www.toledo.oh.gov.