New Members of the Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission Announced
The Lucas County Commissioners and Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz held a news conference today to announce new members of the Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission, its policy goals for 2018, and the renewed dedication of the city to the commission.
“The recent Lake Erie Impairment announcement is progress that was only possible because of pressure applied by people like the men and women who have served on this commission,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “Toledo is recommitted and energized to more fully support the Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission. The Sustainability Commission has worked tirelessly for a decade now. Thank you to all the members during the past ten years.”
The new, city-appointed members are: Alex Goetz, Sonia Flunder-McNair, Jon Bossenbroek, Mike Ferner, Ignazio Messina, and Leslie Albanese.
The commission, with help from the city and county, will advocate for:
- Targeting nutrient “hot spots” in the western basin of Lake Erie, identified through the Nutrient Source Inventory.
- Farm Bill funding to be spent on more specific areas in the western basin that have the highest amounts of nutrient runoff.
- Policy solutions that ensure accountability for the largest nutrient contributors, including a transparent dialogue during the development of a total maximum daily load and other outcomes of the impairment designation.
- More accountability with more basin-wise monitoring that includes monitoring to verify nutrient reductions from funded projects.
“The Sustainability Commission’s success comes from its partnerships not only with nonprofit organizations, but with local businesses as well. We have worked on Lake Erie issues for over a decade now and look to the business community for input on the programs we develop. We will continue to collaborate with businesses to find sustainable solutions that work for everyone to tackle our most pressing environmental challenges,” said Commissioner Pete Gerken.
Commissioner Tina Skeldon Wozniak said: “The Sustainability Commission is celebrating 10 years of work and we are excited to strengthen our partnership with The City of Toledo. What started out as an 11-member commission is now 32 members strong. We are excited to continue our work on important issues such as the health of Lake Erie, energy efficiency, and neighborhood redevelopment. We look forward to hosting our Green Gala in the fall to release our sustainability report cards and celebrate continued progress.”
“Through the mission directives - to educate, to engage, and to act - the Sustainability Commission provides connections that are invaluable to building a brighter future. It is the connections between people and systems that create a truly sustainable community,” said Commissioner Carol Contrada.