Toledo City Council Votes To Place Regional Water Commission Question on November Ballot
Toledo City Council voted 11-0 during a special meeting today to approve a request from the Kapszukiewicz administration to place a question on the November ballot that, if approved, would amend the city charter to create a new regional water commission.
“Leadership requires more than words, it requires action, and that is what the City of Toledo did today,” Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz said. “After 40 years of discussion and debate, we voted to create a regional water system that protects ratepayers, gives our suburbs decision-making power, and saves our region hundreds of millions of dollars. This is only one step in the process, but make no mistake, it is a historic step.”
The regional water commission would be made up of the utility directors from each member community. The board would include one member from each suburban community and two appointed by Toledo.
The commission, if approved by voters, will recommend water rates and capital improvement projects at the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant. Under the commission, Toledo and Lucas County will pay a retail rate with meter-reading and maintenance services included. Suburban communities will pay a uniform wholesale rate. Meter-reading will remain the responsibility of those communities. The regional water commission would also ensure protections important to Toledoans like low income-assistance, a senior discount, and lead line replacement.