Jamie Farr Pool Opens Tomorrow
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Jamie Farr Pool, 2140 North Summit St., will open for the season at noon tomorrow, Wednesday, June 19.
Four city pools – Roosevelt, 910 Dorr St.; Navarre, 1001 White St.; Pickford, 3000 Medford Dr.; and Wilson, 3253 Otto St. – and the splash pad at Savage Park, 645 Vance St., opened, Saturday, June 8. Willys Pool, 1375 Hillcrest Ave., will open after repairs are completed.
Pool admission is $1 for children 12 and under and $2 for those 13 and older.
Pools may close due to mechanical or weather related issues without notice. Hours and locations are available at this link: toledo.oh.gov/services/public-service/parks-recreation-forestry/recreation/pools/.