23rd Annual Clean Your Streams Day
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
On September 21, 2019, Partners for Clean Streams will sponsor the 23rd annual Clean Your Streams Day in the Toledo area.
The City of Toledo is a Clean Your Streams Day underwriter and encourages city-wide participation. We are in need of volunteers in a number of capacities to keep our streams clean and the mobilization of more than 1000 volunteers running smoothly. Please consider participating in one of these ways:
- Clean-Up Volunteers: Bring yourself, your family, your division or your social or youth group to the kickoff location of your choice and help remove debris from the banks of our rivers and streams. Register yourself or your group on-line at http://partnersforcleanstreams.org/cys23/register. The commitment lasts from about 8 a.m. to noon.
- Site Captains: Site captains are clean-up volunteers who take on some additional responsibility. They provide leadership to a group of volunteers, organizing them, distributing their supplies, directing garbage collection, gathering the leftovers, and reporting what was accomplished by the group. CYS would not be possible without them. Commitment includes a Site Captain Training during the week before (at least one training on Monday, September 16 will be during the day followed by Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at UT) and lasts from about 7:45 a.m. to 12 or 12:30 p.m. on the day of the event. If you register a group, at least one person should train as a Site Captain for every 10 participants. You can register for Site Captain training at http://partnersforcleanstreams.org/cys23/register or let Marilyn Berry DuFour, Senior Environmental Specialist, Marilyn.DuFour@toledo.oh.gov, know if you are interested. She will connect you with the Kickoff Coordinator for your watershed.
- Picnic Volunteers: An appreciation picnic is a huge undertaking for so many volunteers and requires extra hands taking on a number of assigned tasks: assisting with food service, providing educational activities, and staffing several logistical stations, including supply collection, Challenges, door and raffle prizes, and T-shirt distribution. If early morning Saturdays are not for you, here is an opportunity to help from about 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Let Marilyn Berry DuFour, Marilyn.DuFour@toledo.oh.gov, know if you are interested and she will get you signed up for the assignment of your choice or connect you with the Picnic Coordinator.
Here is the Facebook event page on the Clean Your Streams Day: https://www.facebook.com/events/380255719348104/
Thanks for your consideration and support. We hope to see you there!