Nearly 750 people Helped During Driver's License Clinics This Year
Nearly 750 people sought help regaining their driver’s licenses during seven Driver's License Clinics this year at the Toledo Municipal Court.
The amnesty program was designed to help low-income Ohioans regain their driving privileges after their licenses were suspended. Through the clinics, volunteers helped those with a suspended license learn if they qualified for amnesty, and then guided them through the procedures to apply. For those who had other obligations, or did not qualify for amnesty, they could still meet with a volunteer attorney who guided them through the steps to get their driver’s license back. Lastly, for those who had judgment suspensions, or otherwise found that bankruptcy was the only option, a volunteer attorney through the Toledo Bar Association Pro Bono Legal Services Program agreed to file bankruptcy on their behalf.
“This has been a very successful program and collaboration that result in nearly 750 people setting themselves back on the path toward driving, which we all know leads to better employment and better quality-of-life,” Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz said.
One hundred twenty people attended the final 2019 clinic on Monday, Dec. 2.
Clients attended the clinics this year as follows*:
- April 1: 90
- May 3: 138
- June 6: 68
- July 15: 113
- July 29: 136
- Oct. 21: 85
- Dec. 2: 120
*some people attended more than one clinic.
Amount reduced/waived from clinics this year:
- April 1: $9,566
- May 3: $66,761
- June 6: $24,010.50
- July 15: $42,115.50
- July 29: $93,221
- Oct. 21: $40,893.50
- Dec. 2: $64,661
The Toledo Bar Association Pro Bono Legal Services Program, Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc., Toledo Legal Aid Society, State of Ohio BMV, Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc., and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council jointly managed the clinics.
“This was an important year-long effort that helped a lot of people take the initiative to regain the ability to drive,” said Michelle Tussing, Director, Pro Bono Legal Services Program, Toledo Bar Association. “We’re thankful for the partnership with Judge Timothy C. Kuhlman and the staff of The Toledo Municipal Court for taking time to make this program possible. Without the assistance and knowledge from our community partners, the Ohio Driver’s License Amnesty Clinic would not be as successful as it has been.”