Toledo Friday News

Friday, July 31, 2020

Amid the public health and economic challenges we face nationwide, Toledo this week scored kudos for its economic development success.

Our city was recognized by a leading economic development publication that ranked Toledo as the number two manufacturing region in the United States, compared to areas of the same size.

Business Facilities Magazine lauded Toledo and the historical strength of the city’s metropolitan workforce and our advancement with new technologies.

This recognition follows praise from Site Selection Magazine, which has consistently ranked Toledo among the top in the nation for economic development among mid-size cities.

Toledo has been very successful in attracting new manufacturing projects over the past few years. Major projects by Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, and General Motors alone have resulted in more than 800 new jobs and over $2 billion of investment into our community . The city and our partners are hard at work to continue to strengthen our community’s competitive advantage for manufacturing operations. We stay updated on the latest trends and needs of the advanced manufacturing industry through partnerships with our existing companies. Manufacturing is part of our community’s DNA.

I want to thank our internal economic development team, the Regional Growth Partnership, JobsOhio, and all of the other partners who help promote our region.


My family and I have adhered to the statewide mask mandate since it was implemented. Evidence shows wearing masks, hand-washing, and social distancing are our best tools to fight COVID-19. Thanks again to everyone who is helping to defeat this virus. (Learn more about free COVID-19 testing in Toledo.)

The governor this week announced a rule banning alcohol sales at bars and restaurants after 10 p.m., which the Ohio Liquor Control Commission approved. Governor DeWine said he has "grave concerns" about the spread of coronavirus in those establishments. Also, Toledo Public Schools announced this week that the coming school year will start with remote learning only. These sorts of decisions are being made because the coronavirus numbers in our country are moving in the wrong direction, and that is why we have to redouble our efforts.

This is not the summer any of use expected or wanted, but as I said at the beginning of this pandemic, please use this time to get closer with family members, consider performing acts of kindness for neighbors, or rediscover some of the many natural outdoor spaces in Toledo and our region.

I wish everyone a peaceful and fun weekend.

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