A Joint Statement Issued by Solheim Cup, Ladies Professional Golf Association, the City of Toledo, and ProMedica.
The Solheim Cup continues to work with the Toledo Lucas County Health Department and the Ohio Department of Health in following guidelines and recommendations from the CDC related to COVID-19. As the CDC recommends for everyone, vaccination is the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19, and while not required for attendance, we encourage Solheim Cup attendees to be vaccinated.
Masks will be encouraged and for those who are not fully vaccinated, we recommend wearing a mask at all times, and particularly in public indoor settings. Masks will be required on shuttle buses from public parking to and from Inverness Club.
The CDC’s position is that risk of transmission in an outdoor setting is minimal. Based on supporting evidence, the CDC issued the following statement: “If you want to spend time with people who don’t live with you, outdoors is the safer choice. You are less likely to be exposed to COVID-19 during outdoor activities, even without the use of masks.”
The Solheim Cup is an outdoor event where social distancing is possible. Again, we encourage attendees to get vaccinated when possible, and for those who are not vaccinated, we strongly recommend wearing a mask including in public indoor settings.
For Fan Fest events that include the concerts on Friday and Saturday, while outside, the ability to distance from large crowds will be difficult. As a result, masks will be required upon entry at Fan Fest events on Friday and Saturday. Masks will be available at all points of entry. All Fan Fest volunteers and staff will be required to wear masks, when unable to social distance. Masks will be required on shuttle buses to and from Fan Fest events.
Masks will be required for the Women’s Summit event to be held indoors at the Stranahan Theatre.