Mayor Kapszukiewicz Announced First Lead-Safe Paint Certification Deadline for Rental Property Owners

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz was joined by Rosalyn Clemens, Director of Housing and Community Development, Eric Zgodzinski, Toledo-Lucas County Health Department Commissioner, and Juanita Greene, Vice President with the Toledo Lead Poisoning Prevention Coalition, to announce the first deadline for lead-safe paint certification for rental property owners and family childcare homes.

The deadline for the first phase of the project is June 30, 2022.

The City of Toledo passed an ordinance that requires all 1-4 unit residential rental properties and family childcare homes built prior to 1978 to receive a Lead-Safe Certificate from the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department.
In order to receive this certificate, a property must satisfy the state requirement of being registered with the county auditor and must pass a qualifying lead-safe inspection by certain phase-in deadlines.

A map which outlines the compliance deadlines can be found here:
This inspection must be done by a local lead inspector who performs a visual inspection of the interior and exterior of the property to verify there are no chipping/peeling paint or bare soil conditions. Dust wipes are also collected in certain locations throughout the home and must meet Environmental Protection Agency standards.

Failure to comply with the rental registry or lead-safe certificate ordinances will result in a maximum fine of $10,000 per year. Tenants should contact their landlords if they suspect their rental is not lead-safe.

To learn more, please visit:

To complete a Lead-Safe Certificate Application, please visit:

Please contact us with any questions or concerns through the Lead-Safe Toledo website or by calling Engage Toledo at 419-936-2020.
