Toledo’s Department of Housing and Community Development Announces Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area Designations from HUD for Old South End and Englewood

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The City of Toledo’s Department of Housing and Community Development is proud to announce the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has designated the Old South End and Englewood neighborhoods as Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas (NRSAs). This exciting development marks a significant step forward in the effort to revitalize and enhance these communities.

The NRSA designation is a powerful tool promoted by HUD for a comprehensive placed-based approach to using and leveraging Community Development Block Grant funding for revitalization and investment in underserved neighborhoods. The NRSA designation provides regulatory relief and enhanced flexibility when undertaking economic development, housing, and public service activities using CDBG funds.

The HUD designation required a comprehensive plan developed through extensive community consultation and participation. NRSA areas must meet HUD’s geographic and demographic criteria of being primarily residential and containing at least 70% of residents with low and moderate income. The approved plan promotes Englewood and the Old South End’s economic progress, focusing on housing preservation and construction, infrastructure improvements, small business assistance, and workforce development.

Key NRSA benchmarks for the two neighborhoods are new housing development, housing preservation through roof repair, lead abatement, and code upgrades; fostering homeownership through down payment assistance; parks and infrastructure development; small business assistance, workforce training; and continued demolition of vacant and abandoned structures.

“Working with residents, neighborhood groups, businesses, and community partners, the City’s goal is to focus efforts on Englewood and the Old South End, with the intent of achieving measurable change in housing and neighborhood quality of life,” Rosalyn Clemens, Director of Housing and Community Development said.
