City of Toledo and Community Partners Celebrate Arbor Day with Tree Planting and Learning at Grove Patterson Park
In celebration of Arbor Day, the City of Toledo, the Urban Forestry Commission, along with community partners FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison and The Ohio State University Extension, hosted an Arbor Day program for Grove Patterson Academy students at Grove Patterson Park. The event kicked off with a proclamation given by Deputy Mayor Abby Arnold and included a dedicated tree planting.
This event recognized the importance of trees in our communities and engaged students and the public in learning about the natural environment through interactive stations and activities.
Arbor Day was a time to reflect on the vital role trees play in sustaining our ecosystems and beautifying our urban spaces. The event featured several interactive stations exploring different aspects of nature and the importance of trees. At the "Trees Are My Home" station, students learned about the value of trees outdoors, including the interaction between trees, wildlife, and the ecosystem. The "Mindfulness and Nature" station exposed students to the calming effects of nature and the benefits of spending time outdoors.
"Planting trees is not just about growing roots, it's about cultivating relationships. FirstEnergy's commitment to responsible business is a testament to the employees' dedication to supporting the environment and the communities they serve," Jessica Shaffer, an advanced scientist and Green Team Leader at FirstEnergy, said. "In recent years, we have planted more than 67,000 trees across our entire service area, not only revitalizing the land but also providing hope to underserved communities."
At the "Spotting the Spot - Being an Insect Detective" station, students engaged in a scavenger hunt for spotted lanternflies (SLF), learning about invasive species and their impact on the environment. The "Insects - Seed to Tree" station explored the life cycle of a tree, showcasing examples of different seeds and trees that grow around the area.
Eleven trees were planted throughout the park, including 5 Redbuds, 5 Legacy Sugar Maples, and 1 Ohio Buckeye. First Energy Volunteers and the Toledo Urban Forestry Commission provided lunch for attendees. The program closed with a participation giveaway of book bags, T-shirts, and water bottles provided by FirstEnergy and the Toledo Urban Forestry Commission.
“The sooner we can engage youth in nature and the outdoors, the earlier they can fully appreciate the environment around them and become stewards of the land. On Arbor Day, the youth planted trees that they can watch grow over the time they are attending Grove Patterson, and even stop back and see the trees into their adult life,” Amy Stone, Extension Educator with OSU Extension in Lucas County, said.
“As the 4-H Extension Educator, our program helps equip kids with essential life skills, confidence, and a deep sense of belonging through hands-on learning experiences. I was excited to be part of the Arbor Day program and engage youth in a tree and wildlife station as part of the morning program,” Jess Soffee, OSU Extension in Lucas County, said.
"Arbor Day is very meaningful in our city. It reminds us of the importance of preserving and nurturing our green spaces for future generations. By participating in tree planting and learning about the importance of trees in our world, our community is coming together to support a healthier environment and a more beautiful Toledo," Deputy Mayor Abby Arnold said.
Arbor Day was an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the beauty and importance of trees. Through educational stations and tree planting, participants gained a deeper appreciation for the environment and the role of trees in sustaining healthy ecosystems.