Road Construction: Summit St. and Cherry St.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Summit St. from Jackson St. to Cherry St. as well as the intersection of Summit St. and Cherry St. are currently undergoing a reconstruction. This project reconfigures the concrete medians at the intersection and adds new islands for pedestrian safety. These refuge islands provide a safe place for pedestrians to pause as they cross the intersection.

The City is also continuing the decorative elements that have already been installed on Sumit St. between Lafayette and Jackson St.

The first phase, which includes Summit from Jackson to the centerline of Cherry as well as the southwestern side of Cherry and 300 feet to either side of Summit is scheduled to be complete January 16, 2025. We anticipate the contactor with immediately switch the traffic pattern and begin the northeastern portion f the intersection and that portion is anticipated to be complete by July 1, 2025.


We recommend that residents use Jackson and Superior to navigate downtown. For residents who need to cross the river, we recommend using the High Level Bridge, Craig Memorial Bridge, or the Veteran's Glass City Skyway Bridge.