Pre-Tap Conditions for a Public Water Main in a New Road in City of Toledo and Non-Master Metered Areas
- New water mains need to be totally completed before tapping. This includes pressure testing and bacteria samples. New water mains will not be tapped until the City of Toledo receives written confirmation that there is no bacteria present.
- The Developer pays the total cost of all the taps before the City of Toledo makes the taps.
- The developer marks the proposed tap and curb stop locations, and grade as they are shown in the plans. The grade of the curb stop must be 48” below final finished grade. The Developer provides the County and City of Toledo with a list of the lot numbers showing the corresponding addresses for each lot that is to be tapped.
- The Developer guarantees access to the site. Any conflicts with contractors, equipment, or ground conditions will be reflected in the cost of the taps.
- Tap installation is Monday through Friday (excluding City observed holidays).
- Water service lines cannot be placed closer than 10 feet horizontally to a sewer or service line, or 4 feet horizontally from all other utilities. There must be a vertical separation of 18 inches maintained between water service lines and sewer lines or services.
- The private portion of the water service must meet the City portion of the service in as straight a line as possible (90 degrees to the street). No bends are permitted within 10 feet of the curb box.
- The Developer is responsible for paying for any relocations, adjustments, or repairs to damaged water services.
- The Contractor is responsible for all restoration.
- The Developer is responsible for any unauthorized use of the water from any of the taps.
- All materials provided by the Developer are the sole responsibility of the Developer and are to be stored according to AWWA standards. The Developer is also responsible for any bacteriological contamination problems.
- No tap can be placed under proposed pavement. No driveways can be placed over any portion of the water service.
- The City of Toledo supplies the service line material for the water service from the tap to the property line for far side water taps and from the tap to one foot in front of proposed future walk for near side water taps.
- For ductile iron pipe water mains, the City of Toledo will supply the corporation for the tap, curb stop and curb box.
- For PVC water mains, the Developer supplies the service saddle and corporation stop for installation by the City of Toledo. Service saddles must meet the requirements of AWWA C800 and M23 and be Type 304 stainless steel, single band saddles, rated for 200 PSI working pressure. Service saddles must be Romac Industries, Inc. Style 306, Ford FS313, or equal. Corporation stops must meet the requirements of AWWA C800, be manufactured from a copper alloy listed in AWWA C800, and be rated for a 300 PSI working pressure. Corporation stops must be Mueller B-25008N, Ford FB1000-X-Q-N, or equal. Equals must be approved by the Division of Water Distribution. The City of Toledo will supply the curb stop and curb box.
- For concrete water mains, the Developer must provide the service saddle, corporation stop and grout for installation by the City of Toledo. Service saddles shall be JCM 425 for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe by JCM Industries with diaper and Sauereisen F-100 grout, or approved equal. Prior to ordering materials, submit to the Division of Water Distribution for approval. The City of Toledo will supply the curb stop and curb box.
- Use stainless steel insert stiffener for PE water service lines.
- The Developer is responsible for excavation, shoring, backfill, and compaction. The City of Toledo will make the tap, and install the service line and curb stop. The curb box will be set beside the curb stop for later adjustment by the property owner’s plumber.
- The Developer will mark the curb stop with a 4”X 4” wood timber before pavement is placed. The Developer will mark the water service location with blue marking paint on the curb after the pavement is placed. The property owner’s plumber is responsible for setting the curb box on the curb stop with the top of the box set at the final finished grade.
- The taps and curb stops and stationing of all taps and curb stops must be shown on the “As Built” plans. The recorded street names must also be shown on the “As Built” plans.