Thanks for your interest in joining the 2024 Toledo Neighborhood Capacity Building Institute.

Please note that you cannot save this application and return to it. It must be filled out in one sitting. The application will take about an hour to complete. You will need to upload copies of your resume, the resume of a second staff member if you would like them to attend with you, your Work Plan or Strategic Plan, and articles of incorporation or nonprofit status.

Section I: Organization Information

Contact Person/Primary Applicant

Who is attending the 2024 Toledo Capacity Building Institute? The applicant is likely to be the Executive Director or Founder, or someone they would like to attend in their place.

Section II: Applicant Information

Up to two members of your organization can complete the Toledo Neighborhoods Capacity Building Institute. The second can be a staff member of your choosing.

Secondary Applicant (optional)

Short Answer Questions:

Only the primary applicant needs to answer the following questions.

Section III: Experience

Tell us a bit about your lived experience as a community leader, volunteer, or organizer. Only the primary applicant needs to answer these questions.

Board, Community, and Neighborhood Leadership Experience

Please list any (up to 3) relevant volunteer (not employment) involvement in your neighborhood or community.

You may list up to 3 organizations here.
List the role or level involvement for each of the organizations listed above.
Please add the total number of months or years that you have been in each of the volunteer positions listed above. Example: 10 months or 14 years

Section IV: Supporting Documents

Please provide a copy of each of the following documents for this application:

  • Applicant resume(s)
  • Copy of organization's Strategic Plan or Work Plan
  • Copy of Articles of Incorporation or nonprofit status
Please title the selected documents with your organization's name and what the document is.

Section V: Board Approval

We, the undersigned, as representatives of the applicant organization, certify the following:

The governing board of this organization has authorized this application.

Type your first and last name and the last 4 digits of your phone number to serve as a digital signature on this form.