City of Toledo Furloughs Announced
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, during a virtual news conference today, announced another step toward ensuring residents continue to receive services and that the city remains financial viable during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has drastically impacted the budgets of all cities nationwide.
One hundred eighty-one nonunion city of Toledo employees will take five unpaid furlough days over the next five pay periods to help cut expenses, the mayor said. An additional 19 employees from the Toledo Municipal Court will also take furloughs.
The furloughs apply to all nonunion, salaried staff of the city. The employees were informed of the furloughs on Friday, April 17. The furloughs will save the city $336,000 – $182,000 for the general fund and $154,000 for other funds.
“This move includes all senior staff, including myself, and is another difficult step we are talking to make sure we remain viable through this crisis and emerge as strong as possible when the pandemic is over,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said.
The furloughs are in addition to temporary emergency leave for city employees announced on April 16.
A download of today’s news conference is available until April 30 at this link.
The city of Toledo has compiled a list of services affected by the pandemic, and available resources, which can be found at this link:
For information on COVID-19, please visit The 24/7 Lucas County Community COVID-19 Call Line Numbers are: 419-251-4000 (English only) and 419-291-5355 (multilingual). The public is asked to refrain from calling 911 unless it is a true emergency. Call 419-213-4161, press 4, and leave a message to report COVID-19 related concerns such as non-essential businesses operating, essential businesses not adhering to guidelines, or crowds gathering. The Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 website is www.Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov and the Ohio Department of Health hotline is 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).