Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz issued the following statement today:

Thursday, July 09, 2020

“The arrest of four members of Toledo City Council by the FBI has not only outraged Toledoans who expect their elected officials to hold themselves to the highest of ethical standards, but as we learned earlier this week, it has also made it impossible to conduct the business of the city.

Honest and effective government is always important, but in a year that has brought unprecedented challenges to communities throughout our country, the ability to conduct the people’s business without delay is essential.

We need to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the economic hardships and budget shortfalls it has caused. We need to continue to promote effective policing policies at a time when many of our citizens have taken to the streets to call for change and reform. And we need to devote resources to strengthening our economy, providing basic services, and investing in our neighborhoods.

None of this important work can be accomplished if the four arrested members of Council continue to act as though nothing is wrong or nothing has changed.

As a result, I am repeating my call for these members to resign. Should they not resign by 6 pm Sunday, July 12th, I will formally ask Ohio Attorney General David Yost to exercise his power under ORC 3.16 to begin the process of suspending the members from City Council, pending the results of their legal proceedings.

I spoke with Mr. Yost today, and he and I are in agreement that this is the wisest course of action.

Therefore, beginning Monday July 13th, either because the four members of Council have resigned or because the process for their suspension will have begun, Toledo City Council will be able to conduct its normal business and carry out the work of the citizens of Toledo.”