Toledo CEDAW Women's History Month Spotlight: Sara Card

Sara Card teaches seventh and eighth grade English Language Arts at Maumee Valley Country Day School and serves as the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (DEIB) Instructional Leader. In her role, she coaches faculty and staff to develop and revise units/curricula with an identity-conscious lens. In 2023, Sara was trained at the National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Project to co-lead MVCDS' SEED program for MV's community. Also, in 2022 and 2023, she attended the National Association of Independent Schools' People of Color Conference while chaperoning MV Upper School students attending their Student Diversity Leadership Conference. After the conference, they founded the Student Advocacy Leadership Council together. Sara and the students have been drafting a Bias Incident Report System for MVCDS.
Sara has also taught and co-taught various intensive courses covering such topics as "Race in America," "Lies My Teacher Taught Me," and "Afrofuturism" with middle school students. She has also led or co-led various book club reads at school, including titles such as Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman, Culturally Responsive Teacher And The Brain by Zaretta L. Hammond, and The Identity-Conscious Educator by Dr. Liza A. Talusan . Currently, Sara is reading Design for Belonging by Susie Wise and Our Problem Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People by Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli. Sara’s passion is to create globally aware citizens, who are culturally humble and compassionate readers and writers.
In Her Own Words
What are you hoping your students get out of learning through a DEI lens?
Sara shares her deep faith in her students' potential to become tomorrow's policymakers. She emphasizes the importance of teaching without bias and leading with empathy, believing that such an approach can inspire young people to create positive change in society. Sara's perspective underscores the significant impact educators can have in shaping the values and actions of future generations, fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment among youth.