These permits are for 1, 2, or 3 unit residential buildings completing one or more of the following projects:

  1. Roofing with a complete tear off
  2. Replacing siding
  3. Replacing windows - no change in window dimensions
  4. Replacing exterior doors - no change in door dimensions

To apply, you must have a Limited Home Remodeler Contractor's License, a Home Remodeler Contractor License, or be the homeowner.

A homeowner hiring a contractor to complete the work does not need to apply for a permit. The contractor will apply for all permits.

How to apply for permits

Create a New Application

Create a New Application

Name the Project

Project Name

Begin New Application

Select New Application and "Building" as the Application Type. From the drop-down menu, select "Residential" and then "Residential Exterior Non-Structural Alt" for appropriate permit.

Click Next.

Locate the Property

Search the map

Enter Property Owner's Information

If you are a contractor, enter the property owner's information so that we may contact them with any questions.

If you are the property owner completing a DIY project, enter your information here and in the next section.

Enter the Applicant's Information

If you are a contractor, enter your information on this page.

If you are a homeowner applying for a permit, enter your information on this page.

Enter Project Details

Describe the work you intend to do and how much you think it will cost. Then enter how many of each projects you intend to complete. Roofing and Siding is per structure, windows and doors are per item.

Only enter numerical values for the projects you are completing. This is how the program assesses fees.

Describe the project

Click Next.

Read, Agree, and Submit

Terms and Conditions