A Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area, or NRSA, is an area identified by the City of Toledo in need of economic development and revitalization. The designation is intended to last 5 years and track improvement across a variety of economic measures. To achieve this, the city will prioritize investment in infrastructure, programs, and services, encourage private investment, and improve the quality of life for residents.

Community participation is a critical component of the NRSA development process. The NRSA strategy was developed in consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders and began in October 2019. The City consulted with non-profit organizations, government agencies, housing providers, professional associations, neighborhood groups, the local public housing authority, the Fair Housing Center, and many other regional and local organizations engaged in housing, health, and community and economic development.

Read the application

Toledo's Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas

NRSA Goals


The city is working to increase the supply of affordable housing and improve the quality of the existing affordable housing stock by:

  • Creating new affordable housing units
  • Repairing owner-occupied single-family homes
  • Providing housing counseling to residents
  • Supporting homeownership through down payment assistance
  • Keeping residents housed with rental and mortgage assistance
  • Converting low-income housing tax credit rentals into homeowner units


The city is working to make physical improvements to the neighborhoods and enhance their capacity for community development by:

  • Demolishing unsafe and abandoned properties
  • Rehabilitating vacant land
  • Improving parks and playgrounds
  • Improving roads, sidewalks, and streetscapes
  • Increasing the availability of healthy food options
  • Supporting neighborhood associations with technical assistance

Education and Resources

The plan includes a goal to support the development of human capital, which includes providing access to education and resources such as:

  • Youth recreational programming
  • Community services and Community Development Block Grants
  • Academic support for youth and adults
  • Support for adults improving their English language skills
  • Assistance for residents in obtaining their driver's license

Economic Development

The city is working to create economic development opportunities and support local businesses by:

  • Creating and retaining jobs
  • Assisting small businesses
  • Supporting minority, women, and disadvantaged businesses
  • Incentivizing private investment
  • Increasing workforce development services


The city is working to create safe neighborhoods by:

  • Improving street lighting
  • Blight removal and demolition
  • Supporting community organizations