Why is a water tower being installed in our neighborhood?
The water tower will improve water pressure throughout the neighborhood. It is part of a city-wide infrastructure update which will benefit the entire system. Once complete, that infrastructure upgrade will create two pressure zones and significanly increase the reliability of the whole system.
Where exactly will the tower be located?
The tower will be adjacent to the Detroit Avenue entrance to the Schneider Soccer Complex between the soccer fields and Kroger entrance.
What will the water tower look like?
There will be one 2-million-gallon water tower. It will be about 160' tall and 56' wide.
Will the construction process disrupt our daily lives?
Water tower construction is planned to take place in 2026-2028. All efforts will be made to avoid impacting traffic, but there will be some traffic control required at certain points during the construction. All efforts will be made to minimize the traffic impacts at these times. You can expect some noise during construction. Work hours will normally be limited to weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. If the soccer complex schedules allow, the contractor may choose to work weekends to accelerate completion.
How will this impact our property value?
The presence of water towers does not negatively impact property values in the way that electric or cell towers do.
What safety measures will be put in place during or after construction?
The water tower site will be surrounded by fencing.
Are there any alternative locations that were considered for the water tower?
The need to address water pressure in this part of Toledo, combined with the proximity of this location to a 30" water main makes it, logistically, the best option. This location also allows the opportunity for Public Utilities to partner with Parks and Youth Services to locate the tower so that it can act as a landmark for a popular location in the city and not be in the middle of a neighborhood.
What are the long-term maintenance plans for the water towers, and how might they impact the neighborhood in the future?
Inspection activities will occur regularly as this is a critical part of the city infrastructure. As needed maintenance of the water tower will happen regularly to keep the system in good working order. The water tower will need to have exterior maintenance performed approximately every 20 years to refresh the paint.