Get Started
What is Workers' Compensation?
Workers' compensation is insurance that aids employees when injured on the job. Experiencing an injury or illness while working can be stressful; your workers' comp team is here to help you every step of the way. We’ll work with our employees and the medical providers to help you recover and return to work as quickly as possible.
How to Report an Incident
File your injury/illness with the City.
Injuries or illnesses are considered to be work-related if they arise out of or during employment. Injury report forms must be completed by employee/manager and returned to Human Resources.
Seek medical treatment.
To be eligible for injury pay, employees must report to St. Vincents Occuhealth for treatment. Eye injuries must go directly to the nearest ER. Employees may choose to visit a BWC-certified provider of their choice. Seeing providers that are not BWC-certified will result in out-of-pocket expenses for the employee.
BWC paperwork
Must be completed by the employee and physician.
Physician paperwork
Must be completed by the physician's office.
Supporting documentation and forms.
If appropriate, please use the following forms:
Return to work.
The City of Toledo will honor light-duty work in most circumstances. Please contact your supervisor and HR for light-duty assignments.
Contact Us
Public Service and Public Utilities Employees
Paulette Burghardt
Safety Forces and All Other Employees
Laurie Mahler