Register a Team Leave this field blank This year, teams will be divided into one of the following: Business/corporation, Nonprofit/Faith-Based Organization, Community Group, Family/Individual. If you are an individual who would like to be matched with a team, you can also use this form. Registration Type Business/CorporationNonprofit/Faith-Based Organization,Community GroupFamily/Individual Your Information First Name Last Name Email Home Phone Cell Phone Address Are you the team captain? YesNo Team Information Your Team Name Your Team's Organization My team will be primarily picking up litter in the following zip code: If you are not the team captain, who is? Agree to TermsI am at least 18 years of age and understand that before participating in any cleanup events, every member of my team must complete a KTLCB waiver. The waiver must be completed by a parent or guardian for any participant under the age of 18. Agree to terms I agree Submit