Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for 2018 -- Dept. of Neighborhood & Business Dev.
Program Year – July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
The city of Toledo is directed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to notify the general public of the undertakings, activities, and accomplishments completed in, and at the close of, each Program Year through a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
The CAPER provides an assessment of the federally-funded programs monitored by the city’s Department of Neighborhood and Business Development: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (NSP), and Lead Hazard Control & Healthy Homes Grant.
The Draft CAPER will be available for public review beginning Tuesday, Aug. 27, at the following locations:
- Department of Neighborhood and Business Development website:
- One Government Center, Toledo, Ohio 43604
o Department of Neighborhood and Business Development (18th floor)
o Office of the Mayor (22nd floor)
o Clerk of Council (21st floor)
- The Fair Housing Center, 432 North Superior St., Toledo, Ohio 43604
- Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority, 435 Nebraska Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43604
- Toledo Lucas County Homelessness Board, 1946 North 13th St., Suite 437, Toledo, Ohio 43604
- Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, 325 Michigan St., Toledo, Ohio 43604 (available at the Main Branch and by request to all other branches)
- Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities, 1154 Larc Lane, Toledo, Ohio 43614
A public meeting to present the CAPER is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 29 in Toledo City Council Chambers, One Government Center, 640 Jackson Street.
Written comments are welcome through Thursday, Sept. 12 to: Consolidated Annual Reports, c/o Amy Sackman Odum, Director Department of Neighborhood and Business Development, One Government Center, Suite 1800, Toledo, Ohio 43604, or by email at:
For more information, or reasonable accommodations, please contact Monica Brown at 419-245-1617 or