City of Toledo Calls for CDBG and ESG Funding Applications to Support COVID-19 Related Needs
Community partners, including nonprofit organizations, homeless services providers, faith-based groups, and for-profit organizations, are able to apply for CARES Act 2020 supplemental Community Development Block Grant-CV and Emergency Solutions Grant-CV funding to address COVID-19 related needs, Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz announced today.
“We are working to distribute this money quickly to assist community partners and agencies that are on the front line of the COVID-19 fight,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “Many people are working to keep our community safe and healthy, and to also ensure that we emerge from this crisis as strong as possible. I want to thank everyone involved in this effort.”
The following requests will receive priority:
- Rapid response activities to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including acquiring and retrofitting facilities for isolation, treatment, and testing.
- Providing testing, diagnosis, or other services.
- Purchase of personal protective equipment and supplies.
- Outreach to vulnerable populations.
- Homelessness prevention assistance.
- Developing non-project specific emergency infectious disease response plans.
Applications from organizations providing direct financial assistance to low- and moderate-income families for housing stabilization and organizations providing financial assistance to stabilize small businesses and ensure their resilience post COVID-19, are also encouraged to apply.
There is no match requirement and applications may be submitted for eligible activity costs that have already been expended. Evaluation criteria will include experience and capacity, readiness of the project, proposed impact, and potential for completing the activity expeditiously. The minimum funding request is $10,000 and the maximum request is $500,000, for CDBG-CV and ESG-CV. The city of Toledo has discretion to waive minimum and maximum request requirements for projects demonstrating exceptional need.
Applicants are encouraged to thoroughly review the CARES Act provisions and explore other funding sources that may be more appropriate than CDBG-CV or ESG-CV.
Applications should be submitted via the city of Toledo CDBG-CV and ESG-CV Zoom Grants portal by 5 p.m., April 30, 2020, using the following links:
Questions should be directed to Bonita Bonds at, or to Monica Brown at
- Quick guide to CDBG-eligible activities to support infectious disease response, March 19, 2020
- Eligible ESG program costs for infectious disease preparedness
The city of Toledo has compiled a list of services affected by the pandemic, and available resources, which can be found at this link:
For information on COVID-19, please visit The 24/7 Lucas County Community COVID-19 Call Line Numbers are: 419-251-4000 (English only) and 419-291-5355 (multilingual). The public is asked to refrain from calling 911 unless it is a true emergency. Call 419-213-4161, press 4, and leave a message to report COVID-19 related concerns such as non-essential businesses operating, essential businesses not adhering to guidelines, or crowds gathering.
The Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 website is www.Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov and the Ohio Department of Health hotline is 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).