City Holds ‘Best in Snow’ Snow Creation Contest
Are you ready to put your snow sculpting skills to the test? The city is hosting a fun-filled, city-wide snow creation contest and you're invited to join in on the snowballin' fun from now until Sunday, January 29th at 5:00 p.m.
This is the perfect day to head out and get creative. Sculpt a snowman, snow fort, or any other snow creation you can dream up, join our contest and maybe win a prize, trophy or medal.
Can’t get outside? Get creative indoors and build your creation out of cotton balls, tissues, marshmallows, or whatever you like.
Here's the scoop on how to enter:
- Use the hashtag #LetItSnowMan and post your pictures on the City Facebook page.
- Or direct message your pictures to the City Instagram page or City Twitter.
- Celebrity judges Chris Vickers, Jay Berschback, and Jessica Van Meter will pick out the coolest 'Best in Snow' so make sure your creation stands out!
Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to show off your snow-tastic snow sculpting skills #LetItSnowMan