Toledo’s Getting Ready for its Close-up!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Council members Moline and Gadus seek to establish official Film Commission

Toledo, OH — Toledo City Council will vote today on a resolution introduced by Councilwoman Katie Moline and Council Member Theresa Gadus to officially recognize FilmToledo as the Film Commission of the Toledo region in order to be formally recognized by the Ohio Department of Development’s Ohio Film Office.

FilmToledo, established in 2018 as a local non-profit, promotes economic development and job creation by fostering a robust film industry in the region. It provides support in scouting and shooting film productions in northwest Ohio and creates educational opportunities in the film industry. Helping to connect with those in the film industry will help build a stronger local workforce.

Councilwoman Katie Moline who sponsored the legislation said, “this resolution will promote more filming in the Toledo region and lead to more local jobs. Our region has many unique assets that make for an interesting place to film including diverse neighborhoods, historic institutions and proximity to Lake Erie. This resolution will help put Toledo on the map for film industry projects.”

Toledo is the only major metropolitan area in Ohio not formally recognized by the Ohio Department of Development’s Ohio Film Office. The resolution is needed because the State of Ohio has established the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit, increasing the credit to $50 Million in 2024 and $75 Million in 2025.

After this formal recognition, FilmToledo will partner with the City of Toledo’s Economic Development Department to create a Toledo Film Permit Program to assist film professionals with permitting, location scouting, workforce, public safety and other public or private logistics as part of film production.

Michael DeSanto, Executive Director of FilmToledo said “We know that when filmmakers are made aware of the assets here, Toledo will get more projects that create local jobs. This resolution is the first step in making that happen.”

Toledo City Council will vote on this resolution at their regularly scheduled 4 p.m. meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

More information about FilmToledo is available at
