72 Hour Notice Code Compliance Process

Neighbors observe.

We want to live in a community that feels good and looks good. If your trash cans are blocking street parking, your grass has grown too tall, or you parked your car in your yard you're not being a good neighbor.

Suspected Violations Reported to Engage Toledo

Engage Toledo is the City's 24/7 customer service provider for all city service request. Representatives search to see if the issue has already been reported. If it hasn't, they will initiate a service request for Code Compliance to investigate.

Engage Toledo

City inspects.

Whenever the City gets a call that something isn't quite right, we will send out an inspector. Sometimes the issue has already been resolved, and it ends here.

City issues notice.

If the inspector finds any violations on your property they will issue a notice. For a 72 hour notice, it is likely a door hanger that will give you the information you need to fix the problem.

Property owner responds.

We hope these issues are merely minor inconveniences and that you can find the time within three days to resolve them. The quickest way to close out a code violation case is to fix the issue. If you have questions or concerns, you can call Engage Toledo.

City inspects.

The City will come back and check to see if the problem is still present. If you have fixed it, we'll close your case. If it is still there, we may issue a fine and/or take care of it and charge you for the work we've done.

How to approach this.

Fix it. Ask for some more time. Appeal it.