
Public Accommodations

We handle ADA accommodation requests for members of the public who require accommodations in order to fully participate in a city program, service, or other activity.

Request a public accommodation

Workplace Accommodations

HR processes job applicants and current employee requests for accommodations in the workplace. If you are unhappy with the determination made, you can file an appeal with DE&I.

Workplace accommodations

Discrimination and Harassment Concerns

We investigate complaints from individuals who believe they have been discriminated against by the City of Toledo, in an area of employment or a city program, service, or activity.

File complaint online

Adaptive Skating

Sleds Available

Two adaptive sleds are available to rent at the Ottawa Park Ice Rink to make ice skating more accessible.

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Latest Disability News

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Monday, September 11

New Requirements for City of Toledo Businesses

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Thursday, June 15

City Employees Gain Fresh Perspective at The Ability Center's Disability Awareness Experience!

Read the article

Friday, May 26

The City Announces its Inaugural Disabled and Proud Festival

Read the article

Accessible Playgrounds

Navarre Park
1001 White St.
Toledo, OH 43605

Ottawa Park
2301 Gunckel Blvd.
Toledo, OH 43606

Walbridge Park
2801 Broadway St.
Toledo, OH 43609

Other Resources

TLC Commission on Disability Sight Center Ability Center Board of Development Disabilities Disability Justice

Second Annual

Disabled and Proud Fest Outdoor Expo

"The Disabled and Proud Fest is a testament to a city that creates spaces where all residents feel like they belong. As a basketball lover, I have an even higher respect for wheelchair basketball after experiencing it. I felt completely welcomed!" - Ron Wells

View event recap