Toledo Department of Neighborhoods to Report Accomplishments; Encourages Public Comments
The City of Toledo Department of Neighborhoods is seeking comments on its draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). Residents are invited to participate in a virtual public hearing and learn more about how the city uses federal funding for the benefit of low- and moderate-income residents during the Program Year 2019 (ending on June 30, 2020).
A summary of the draft CAPER will be presented during a virtual hearing at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020 at this link:
Comments on the 2019 draft CAPER are welcome during the public hearing. The city of Toledo will accept written comments from the public through Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020 by submittal to City of Toledo, Department of Neighborhoods, 2019-2020 CAPER, One Government Center, Suite 1800, Toledo, Ohio 43604 or by email to
The draft CAPER will be available for review beginning today, Aug. 31 on the websites of the following organizations:
Office of the Mayor
One Government Center, 22nd Floor
Toledo, Ohio 43604
City of Toledo Department of Neighborhoods
One Government Center, 18th Floor
Toledo, Ohio 43604
Clerk of Toledo City Council
One Government Center, 21st Floor
Toledo, Ohio 43604
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
435 Nebraska Ave.
Toledo, Ohio 43604
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for community, economic, and housing development
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) for housing development
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) for the elimination of homelessness
- Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (NSP) for housing development
- Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant
The Department of Neighborhoods continues to work closely with the Toledo Lucas County Homelessness Board to assist in the goal of eliminating and reducing homelessness, and with The Fair Housing Center to affirmatively further fair housing in Toledo. More information will be provided related to the progress achieved in these areas during the public hearing.
For more information or reasonable accommodations, please contact Monica Brown, Department of Neighborhoods, at 419-245-1400 or