Location: One Government Center

Registration: abilitycenter.org

Date: Friday, May 10

Time: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Join us for a fun event in support of expanded rail access - let’s get TOLEDO ON TRACK!

Featuring food trucks and live music by Organized K-OS.

Special guest speakers:

  1. John Esterly, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
  2. Michele Grim, Ohio State Representative
  3. Stuart James, Executive Director, The Ability Center
  4. Theresa Morris, Toledo City Councilmember
  5. Katie Shelley, Conda Family Manager of Access Initiatives, Toledo Museum of Art
  6. Sandy Spang, Executive Director, TMACOG

Brought to you by: Disability Aging Rail Coalition and The Ability Center

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