On September 18, 2024 the Division of Building Inspection launched a new system for permit applications, online plan review, and payments.
The old system is no longer accessible.
All user information has been moved from the old system into the new one. When you create an account in the new system with the same email you used in the old one, you will be able to access your previous permits and applications.
If you had an account in the old system, but did not receive an email from us on Monday September 9 or Thursday September 12, please call the Division of Building Inspection at 419-245-1220 and let us know that you need to update your email address in the permit application system.
If you had bookmarked the previous permit application portal in your browser, you will need to update that bookmark.
Detailed instructions for creating an account in the new portal are below. Ready to get started?
How to Use the New Permit Application and Electronic Plan Review Portal
Step by step instructions for creating an account.
How to Create a Permit Portal AccountIf a property has been without electric service for a year, you'll need a permit for a service release.
How to Apply for a Service ReleaseRenew, pay for, and receive a copy of your license all online.
How to Renew a LicenseThe new portal allows for convenient online payments. See how it works.
How to Pay for Your Permit OnlineLearn how to schedule your inspections online.
How to Schedule an Inspection OnlineHow to look up all the previously issued permits for a specific address.
How to Search Permit History for a Specific AddressHow to get permits for reroofing with a full tear off, window and door replacements, and new siding.
How to Apply for Permits for Residential Exterior, Non-Structural Changes